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Why Turn to Us if You Snore

Posted on 10/25/2019 by Platte Valley Dental Care
Why Turn to Us if You SnoreAnybody has the capacity to snore. More often than not though, people who find themselves snoring, or people who live with someone who does not snore all the time, will notice that it occurs right after having some sort of sickness or from consuming large amounts of alcohol. Some medications can even cause snoring.

People of all shapes and sizes snore. Despite the public misconception that larger people snore more, and more loudly. We have seen cases where a thin woman snored louder than a large man. As we age, and put on a few extra pounds, people will notice an increase in snoring, even if never having snored their entire life.

Read on to find out what causes snoring and how we can help you if you have a snoring concern that you would like to talk to a professional about.

What Causes Snoring

When we are wide awake, you don't hear yourself breathing. It's when we are asleep, that the throat muscles loosen and relax and creates a narrow space for that normal wake flow of air, from our lungs to our nose and mouth, which causes a vibration that is delivered back in the form of sound waves. Snoring. There are many reasons why someone would snore, including an underlying oral or medical condition.

The distinction in the cause and the correct treatment option are best determined by having a face to face conversation with our new and existing patients to determine the best course of action. Here's how we can help.

How Can We Help?
To best determine your sleep habits, we typically bring in your spouse or partner, or a family member in the home. It's important to get someone else's perspective as you won't be a great judge of what's happening while you are asleep. Then we will perform a physical and review your complete medical history.

Schedule your consultation today and we can help you and your family get a good night's sleep again.

Office Hours
Monday: 9 AM to 5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Thursday: 8 AM to 2 PM
Friday: CLOSED

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