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Is There a Right Amount of Times to Floss?

Posted on 3/25/2020 by Platte Valley Dental Care
Is There a Right Amount of Times to Floss?If you've ever heard anything about dentists it's that we are always telling people to floss. Flossing gets rid of bacteria and plaque that forms around the gum line.

It's important to floss because brushing alone can't get into these tight spaces. Flossing is good for your oral health, but can you do it too much?

It is possible to floss too much. The American Dental Association recommends that people floss only once per day. Flossing any more than this could damage your gums. Damaged gums may bleed. Bleeding means there's an open wound in your mouth. Open wounds have the potential to become infected if they don't heal properly. Flossing too much could make it more difficult for your gums to heal.

What's the Proper Way to Floss?

Now that you know you really only need to floss once per day, are there any other ways to make flossing more effective? When you floss, you should try to make a C-shape with your floss. To do this, place the floss between your teeth and pull both ends of the floss away from your mouth. Once you make a C-shape, you can scrape the floss up and down each tooth.

We recommend flossing your teeth starting in the back. This way it'll be easier to keep track of which teeth you have flossed. Another tip is to make sure you get the floss below your gum line. Bacteria like to hide below the gum line so flossing down there is important.

While flossing helps remove some of the bacteria in your mouth, it doesn't remove it all. Over time, bacteria build up in your mouth and turn to plaque. This is why we recommend coming to our office for a dental cleaning regularly. A regular dental cleaning every six months will keep your mouth healthy and happy. If you want a teeth cleaning, please call our office.

Office Hours
Monday: 9 AM to 5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Thursday: 8 AM to 2 PM
Friday: CLOSED

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