Posted on 8/25/2019 by Platte Valley Dental Care |
![]() While most people don't realize that their posture can cause issues, besides making your jaw ache, it can also give you a headache and cause neck pain. How Bad Posture Makes Your Jaw HurtYour body functions best when all its joints, bones, and muscles are properly aligned. This is why you shouldn't spend your time slouching in a chair or hunching over a computer. When you do so, you're retraining your body to hold itself in these positions, which are less than ideal.Unfortunately, poor posture doesn't end there. It has a domino effect. This means that when you have a misaligned spine your lower jaw will also start to protrude forward. In doing so it'll give you a bad bite. This is one of the leading causes of TMJ disorder today. Available Dental Treatment OptionsFortunately, you don't have to continue suffering with jaw pain if you can retrain your body to maintain proper posture. This means you must stop slouching in your chair and hunching over your computer. Instead, when you're standing you will need to keep your shoulders back and your chest forward.Make sure that you also lengthen your spine and that you don't push your chin out forward. When you're sitting you should make sure your buttocks are touching the back of your chair and your weight is evenly distributed on both of your hips. You also want your knees to be either at or above hip level while you're seated. Now that you know why your jaw is hurting you, it's time to do something about it. Your first step here should be to seek our help by calling our office and setting up an appointment to come in and discuss your issues with us. There are many treatment options available. We look forward to helping you find the one that's right for you. |